Special Educational Needs & Disabilities at St Helena’s
Mr Goddard, our SENDCo, is available to speak with you about any aspect of your child’s special educational needs and provide support, information and advice. Please contact the school office at admin@st-helenascofe.lincs.sch.uk to get in touch.
What does the SENDCo do?
The SENDCo works in conjunction with the Head Teacher and the Governing body to support staff in developing high quality teaching and the effective use of resources in order to improve standards of achievement for pupils with special educational needs. The SENDCo is responsible for ensuring that pupils with special or additional needs receive their full educational entitlement and have access to the whole curriculum.
Below you can find our policy for SEND and our SEND Information Report
Links to Important Documentation:
Click this link to access our new SEND Padlet!
On the Padlet, you will be able to: download policies; key documents; information and resources for areas of needs including:
- Communication and interaction
- Social and Emotional Health
- Sensory processing
- Speech and language therapy